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From 750 words to 3,000: How to write blog posts faster using speech-to-text

Apr 7, 2024

Recently I've been using Voice Writer every day to write everything from emails and Slack updates to blog posts and other documents. But just how much faster does it make me? That’s what I set out to measure today with a little experiment.

The Experiment

I’ve been in the habit of writing notes for every book I read. These notes typically summarize the main points for me to revisit later and serve as blog posts I can share with others, especially when recommending books. On average, it used to take me about an hour to write a post manually. The result? Roughly 750 words per hour of writing.

Now, with Voice Writer, I achieve between 2,000 and 3,000 words in the same amount of time—about 3–4x more content. That’s a huge leap in productivity! But why does this happen?

Why Voice Writer Speeds Things Up

I think there are two main reasons why Voice Writer has been so efficient:

1. Speaking is Faster than Typing

When it comes to sheer speed, speaking outpaces typing by a significant margin. The average person can speak 150–200 words per minute, while decent typing speeds hover around 50–60 words per minute. Even with pauses to think, the act of dictating your thoughts is naturally faster than typing them out.

2. AI Takes Care of Grammar and Polishing

For me, one of the biggest challenges in writing manually has always been getting the wording right. When typing, it’s easy to get into a low-productivity loop of rephrasing sentences, fixing punctuation, and ensuring there are no typos - this is annoying especially when I'm also planning out at a higher level what I'm trying to write and really disrupts the flow.

With Voice Writer, that’s no longer a concern. The AI, powered by GPT-4, handles grammar, punctuation, and awkward phrasing automatically. Whether I pause mid-sentence or repeat myself, the tool ensures the final text is polished and professional.

The Results

Writing is more enjoyable now. Instead of focusing on mechanics like spelling and sentence structure, I can concentrate fully on expressing my ideas. Writing no longer feels like a chore; it’s something I look forward to.

Try Voice Writer for free today and get into your writing workflow! 🚀